Sunday, January 10, 2010

10 down, 355 to go

I really can think of no good and sound reason why I'm doing 365 WODs this year.  In the end, I'm sure it's some kind of narcissistic side effect.  Like most CrossFitters, it's the challenge that I want to take on.  But unlike most strength coaches, I choosing no off days.  I then have to ask myself "well hell Chuck, what's the definition of a WOD anyway?" Is cleaning the house a WOD? Scrubbing toilets for time?  AMRAP laundry?  Well, not quite.

For a WOD to count, there has to be some structure to the variables.


Determining the intensity for me by the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) is the easiest way to choose a WOD. RPE is usually on a scale of 1-10 (one being the easiest 10 being the hardest.  6-20 also works for you old school coaches).  Quite honestly, I don't know how I am going to feel from one day to the next, so I don't pick a WOD until that morning.  Yesterday for example I ran a hard 5k.  Today, I feel pretty good and could possibly run another 5k, but just at a lower intensity, and not for time.  Some days I do heavy strength training, some days I do low intensity aerobic, and somedays I do the hellish, fast glycolysis work like Fran, or that damned wall ball/pull up circuit on Friday (my back still hurts btw).

Is it periodized?  Yes, and I'll tell you how.  "Undulating periodization"(UP) is a term coined by one of my favorite mentors in the fitness industry, Dr. Len Kravitz.  U.P. Training (I just made that up and I think it sounds pretty cool) changes the volume and intensity of the exercises throughout the month, week and day.  So, if I were to do Fran on a Monday (low volume high intensity, I could go for a 30 minute jog, or a slow 5k (high volume low intensity) on Tuesday.  Also, because there is minimal chest recruitment in Fran, I could also choose a day of bench (which Lord knows I need).  The last thing I want is to get injured, so even though I feel healthy, I don't want to suffer and overuse injury by choosing WODs with the same motions or intensities.

My ultimate goal to burn off this protective layer of boxing fat that I no longer need since I don't plan on climbing back in the ring anytime soon.  I also want my wife to look at me the way she looks at Matthew Mcconaughey.

So, what shall I do today?  Well, my upper body is pretty sore, still from Friday (in the chest, back and bis) and my legs feel pretty fresh, so I'll probably try 500-800 lunges and see how long that takes me.

With a warm heart and a cool head,

Chuck Gonzales